What a refreshing perspective he has! The world needs more like him.

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Yes …. Absolutely love the thinkers who can take a global view and show us should-be-obvious-but-aren’t connections like “history shows us that public health creates a more just society” YESSSS!!!

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Authoritarians and strongmen always need to divide society and its various groups from one another. Propaganda and disinformation are key to this effort not science and facts. A sense of unity, public purpose and the collective good of the country are scorned if not ignored. But when the Coronavirus pandemic hit it required exactly the opposite in order to meet the challenges and demands of dealing with a major public health crisis.

As such, strongmen and authoritarians like former Pres. Trump or Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil for example were and are totally out of their depths. Its a silver lining perhaps of the pandemic but history will remember that Trump in large part lost his reelection bid because a majority of the country judged him to be an epic failure, who could not provide competent leadership during a once a century pandemic that has so far killed 618k people. 

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